312 Main St, Metuchen NJ 08840 - Phone: 732-995-5789 - maria@mariamanjelo.com

Why you should do a Maternity Photography Session

I was designing  the album for one of my client , she had mommy and baby package. This is one of my popular packages, maybe because you see me twice!  Once in while I asked customers what is their reason for it to be their top choice.

Majority of them explained , they didn’t have to look for photographer twice in a such short time. The other reason is that if they feel comfortable enough with me as a photographer, they didn’t think twice about coming back.

Doing her baby’s photos, I’ve  realized that lately I am doing to many adults portraits which is a nice break for my mind too.
I love to do newborn photography, its very hard work for me but nothing beats to do Maternity photography. To me they are the hardest and the most exciting in the same time.  Not only you have to concentrate on the belly but you also have to make a woman feel beautiful and glorious. Not many women at that stage love their pregnancy or feel confident to photograph their half naked bodies. If you have to do one session in your life I believe  Maternity photography should be this session. A session where you have to be the most beautiful and feel great and look amazing. You are carrying a child inside of you. There is nothing more perfect or wonderful in this life. I am going to rap it like Eminem even I don’t like the way he is always picked on girls.

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted. one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?

How many times are we pregnant through out our lives? Not many times. For many  women its  once or twice. Why not take your opportunity and have a great time at the same time. These pictures will last you your life time and your children’s. If they care that much it may continue for the next generations. Rich people collected portraits of their ancestors for couple of  hundreds pf years. They had money to invest in them selves to give it to their future family. Cutting your self short will only cut your own family from lack of knowledge about you and your life here on earth.

So now instead showing you the baby photos , I  got way over my head talking about Maternity Photography Sessions. I would love to show you some work that I have created. Maybe it will inspire you enough to call a photographer or even to call me. Enjoy. Hope you will like it.


Maternity Photography

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