312 Main St, Metuchen NJ 08840 - Phone: 732-995-5789 - maria@mariamanjelo.com

New Jersey Boudoir Photographer – Points for your next sexy photos.

As a Boudoir Photographer I am loving the photo shoots where I am doing personal portraits with a little hint of boudoir.  Many people are not that open and are very shy in front of the camera. So here are some tips that I am burning in my own mind for my future customers and for you to consider for your own session.

  1. Stop looking for ideas on Pinterest . Pinterest is a very handy website and it has so many cute and creative ideas but it shows the top notch photos. What does it mean top notch photos? Well have you noticed that models are all perfect , they are so essential and sexy?  These pins are coming up only because the photos have a great models that probably do this as a professional models. So let me ask you a question: When was your last modeling session? Are you as flexible as this model that you are pinning? Can you have that expression on your face or sit in that particular pose and not make it look awkward. Do a little homework at home and check yourself in a mirror and see what you are capable to do. You have to open your self in front of photographer , can you even do this? Instead ask your photographer what personal portraits he or she has done and see the photographer’s sample. You can still show your ideas but show only things that are capable to do.
  2. Don’t purchase that night gown .  Many women purchase something so sexy for their photo shoots but in real life they never wear it . If you don’t wear it all the time, you probably won’t feel like yourself wearing that piece for your photo shoot. You can still have beautiful photos wearing something of your own . You will fill more comfortable in it because it represents more you, it will also help you relax in front of the photographer. You can get new things for the photo shoot but pick something that speaks to you and makes you feel and look beautiful. It will show on your photos, the confidence, the happiness and your beauty.
  3. The fantasy has to have a touch of reality.  I get it,  boudoir is not your thing and you probably doing this more for your husband then for yourself.  Try to make a session more comfortable for you , by having more of your likes then dislikes. Add things that shows and represents true you, enjoy your session instead of dealing with it through nerves. I hate to see my clients being so nervous, they almost shaking from panic because they created outfits which  they don’t feel comfortable  wearing.

I hope these three points will be helpful for you when you do your session. Talk to your photographer, communication is the key to your wonderful session. If you live in central New Jersey and have been thinking to do something sexy for yourself or your partner you can email me for a meeting : maria@mariamanjelo.com. Here are some recent photos that I have done for a friend.

Boudoir Photographer Boudoir Photographer Boudoir Photographer Boudoir Photographer New Jersey Boudoir Photographer New Jersey Boudoir Photographer New Jersey Boudoir Photography

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