I must confess, to be a family photographer you have to be a special person. To run artistic business isn’t easy. You have to be salesman, a business woman, be open and definitely not shy. Photography isn’t important for many people and probably because nothing dramatic happened in their lives. When you lose someone very important to you, you tend to hold on to photos because this is the only thing what is left of them and helps your memory not to fade.
Every time I get unsure about my purpose, someone hears me and send me people like Kristen. Lovely lady emailed me about her family, first time this year the whole family got together over the summer and they had only Friday available to take photographs. I asked them to do in the morning since it was getting hot too early this year and sunlight isn’t so harsh . They agreed and I came to South Brunswick to meet all four generations under one roof with three dogs. Everyone were friendly , especially the dogs and we took some photos. I wanted to make sure that we captured everyone but the little grand kids didn’t want to be involved. They were too tired from all night trip and didn’t want to participate in photos. Life isn’t always perfect and we have to work with what was given to us. I really wanted to do small groups of adults since they usually just don’t exist in photos. Even though we always trying to avoid photos because we think we look terrible and old and fat. Why is it when we always look back on photos , we think how young we looked?
You have to exist in photos now! Tomorrow is another day, a decade from now we don’t even know what will happen. Take time to be there for your children and grandchildren. I thank the higher power for giving me strength and allow me to be the key holder to people’s memories. I will die someday but my pictures will be cherished by generations to come. My purpose as the family portrait photographer is very special. I am doing something that my work and my passion will go on, even physically I won’t be here any more.