Hello , hello!
I actually wonder if anyone even reads my posts. I know I am not the best writer in the world but I will definitely thinking of starting a bulletin board suggestion to the regular folks, I want to help people out by explaining to them things that they absolutely need to know , before they hire any portrait photographer. I , as a portrait photographer is kind of stuck in my own little circle and don’t know sometimes how to make our clients life a little easier. So keep following me and you will start noticing things. I think my first tips will be for brides and their Bronzers.
Today, I am here for something different. Today I would love to talk about a quick Portrait Photography that I created for my mother. Yesterday was a Mother’s Day and my young mom just turned 55 this January. I decided to do something special for her birthday, last time I photographed her, my sister was still a teenager. So I decided to do what I started this year, making women beautiful again and let them feel special just at least for one day. So I hired Destini again , my make up artist and we got the session going. Let me tell you something, I have been bagging my mother to do this since December and only on May 2 she decided to do it. One hour was plenty of time , she actually got tired much quicker. We didn’t do to many clothes changes, since we got sequins, fur and diamonds. What else do you need for the shoot?
I believe we still did great and my mom’s house is perfect for the natural light studio. She has windows every where even the sky windows, so everything we shot was in natural light. The weather was crappy and rained but it was great for the session. So this is just a little sneak peak of what we all created together, I always believe that it isn’t just me but we all create something together. I will post the rest of the photos as soon I will get them from my fabulous editor from England.